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balance of probabilities中文是什么意思

用"balance of probabilities"造句"balance of probabilities"怎么读"balance of probabilities" in a sentence


  • 可能差额


  • Haley was accustomed to strike the balance of probabilities between lies of greater or lesser magnitude .
  • Then , in marine insurance , the regulations and practice about the balance of probabilities are closely related to the onus of proof of the parties
  • The points about the certificate standard contain objective truth , proof on a balance of probabilities , many levels of structures theory and negation theory , but these theories deserve the study
  • Your account of your personal , economic and social circumastances and how you will use these studyies does not satisfy me , on the balance of probabilities , that you intend to leave the united kingdom on completion of your course
  • But - and really it is not too big a but - it does seem that the balance of probability is firmly tilted towards the supposition that atlantis was more than a legend ; that , in reality , it was a historical fact
  • The main contents of the reform of trial preceding in economic case is the reform of the system of the evidence . adjustment of the standard of proof in chinese is to built dualistic system for procedural standard of proof . so the proof on the balance of probabilities will be the procedural standard in chinese civil procedure
  • This paper proposes a handoff algorithm using dual - window measurements in cellular mobile communication system . the proposed algorithm can provide a suitable balance of probability and delay of handoff . an analysis model of this algorithm is given in this paper . the proposed algorithm is especially fitted to the situation which mobile station needs to measure the signal strength from many base stations
用"balance of probabilities"造句  
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